This page is designed to answer common questions about how to use the Future Ready Dashboard. To see an answer, click the questions below. If you need extra help, click the HELP button, and our support team will guide you through the process.
The Future Ready Dashboard is a free tool that allows school and district teams to measure their readiness for a Future Ready transition, identify gaps, select appropriate strategies, and a research-based action plan. Specific information on the dashboard can be downloaded here.
Before creating a login for the dashboard, take a look at the Future Ready Framework, the dashboard summary doc, and our 4 Step Planning Process, to give you enough background on how the process works. Then as described in Step 1, create a Future Ready planning team and begin the planning process. Superintendents are also encouraged to begin committing to the Future Ready District Pledge.
The Future Ready journey involves a process of continuous improvement. As technology advances, districts will need to reassess their efforts, create a new vision for student-centered learning, and revise their plans. The Future Ready Dashboard is a tool to help districts use the same language when tackling the difficult work of transitioning to digital learning. Districts should use the dashboard in a continuous fashion to assess and analyze readiness levels in various gear areas, obtain stakeholder input, assign responsibilities, set goals, and track progress over time.
The initial Future Ready team meeting can take up to three hours. To cut down on time, we recommend sharing a hard copy of the district leadership assessment with each team member for review. Two to three hours should be set aside for the initial leadership team meeting to complete the readiness assessment and submit the collective findings as a team. See STEP 2 for complete instructions.
We recommend that districts set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound). Each district's goals are unique and are written to address one of the gaps identified through STEP 3 in the 4 Step Process.
The Future Ready Hub consists of ongoing professional learning opportunities from organizations, district leaders, and national experts. Educators visit the Hub to access events, workshops, webinars, blogs, mentoring opportunities, and artifacts from schools and districts around the country. Please send your inquiry to Sara Hall at [email protected] with a short description of your organization and what contributions you and/or your organization would like to make to the network.
Please send your inquiry to Lia Dossin to learn about current sponsorship opportunities.
We recommended that districts schedule recurring weekly meetings for the first 2–4 meetings of the planning process. This will allow team members to become familiar with both the Future Ready Dashboard and framework. Once the team is functioning and taking on direct responsibility for specific parts of the planning process, monthly meetings should suffice as long as there are clear expectations of how the dashboard will be used to accomplish the identified goals within each gear. The district's Future Ready "Project Manager" would be responsible for coordinating and facilitating the team through the 4 Step Process.
The 4 Step Process is designed to support school and district leaders in planning their digital conversion and creating an action plan. A Future Ready team should consist of a diverse group of leaders representing different roles and levels within the district. STEP 1 describes the core function of the planning team and recommends various roles that could be included as members.
After logging in the first time, your password can be changed by clicking on you name in the top purple bar of the site. From there you can click on "Edit your profile". On this page you can set a new password.
If you don't remember your password, click "Forgot Your Password?" on the dashboard login page. The system will send an email with instructions to reset your password to the address associated with your account. If you do not receive the email within 30 minutes of your request, click the question mark icon at the bottom of the page and our support team will change your password manually.
Yes, we take all necessary precautions to keep your data safe. All communication with the Future Ready Dashboard is encrypted over SSL with a 128-bit key. Users will notice the "https://" and lock image in the browsing window next to the Dashboard URL, signifying the secure transmission of data. Your privacy and security is a top priority. Please review our Privacy Policy for details on data security.