Collaborative Leadership – Planning


Element: A Shared, Forward-Thinking Vision for Digital Learning

Description: The district recognizes that, to prepare their students to thrive in today’s connected, fast-paced society will require an education that engages students in evidence-based, deeper learning through smart uses of technology and new pedagogies. The district has engaged students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community in the envisioning of a transformed education system that personalizes learning for all students through the effective uses of technology.

Possible Next Step: District leaders establish strategic and tactical plans for: a) developing a shared vision for digital learning, b) formally adopting that vision as a component of the district’s overall goals, c) aligning all programs to the vision, and d) establishing metrics to assess progress toward the vision.

Element: A Culture of Collaboration, Innovation, Capacity Building, and Empowerment

Description: The District leadership team has established a collaborative culture of innovation in which leaders at all levels are empowered to innovate. The capacity of leaders to innovate is maximized through a culture of trust and respect, providing leaders with the flexibility and adaptability they require to lead. This culture leads to sustainable change, informed by research and facilitated by digital leaders.

Possible Next Step: District leaders have established a plan for transitioning to a collaborative culture of change, where empowered leaders have the flexibility, adaptability, responsibility, and authority to act, provided such actions have high potential to advance the vision.

Element: High Expectations for Evidence-Based Transformations to Digital Learning

Description: Across the district, teachers, administrators, and students are expected to show progress toward the district vision. The district has established metrics for gauging such progress and is working across the district to monitor progress and to use evidence-based decision making to ensure that technologies are implemented in ways that advance the vision.

Possible Next Step: District leaders develop plans for building the capacity of education professionals to use the knowledge base to inform decisions. They pilot projects where teachers collaborate to identify and close gaps in student learning through digital learning.

Element: Transformative, Coherent Thinking, Planning, Policies, and Implementation

Description: The district’s forward-thinking vision is advanced through leaders’ transformative thinking. Leaders have ensured that the district’s policies are coherent with the philosophy underpinning the vision (e. g., personalizing professional learning for education professionals, just as they personalize learning for students). They have developed strategic plans that map potential pathways to the district’s preferred future, and have created the tactical and financial plans and dedicated budget necessary for implementation. As they implement they monitor, adjust, build capacity, and incrementally improve.

Possible Next Step: District leaders develop a strategic plan to advance digital learning. The plan uses the Future Ready framework to ensure coherent thinking across the system’s policies, procedures, cultures, practices, and investments.